• 溪頭夏提 and blog    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 溪頭夏緹飯店


      電話:     地址:南投縣鹿谷鄉興產路24號之17
    2. 溪頭阿成餐廳(總店)

      電話:0492612007    地址:南投縣鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路15號
    3. 利伯特有限公司

      Z moto is specializeds in LED lighting system. Our LED emergency warning lights are the best performing, best looking lights available anywhere in the world. Founded in April 2000 as an optical engineering consulting firm, with its great team of engineers and an experienced staff from the manufactu...

      電話:04-25629974    地址:台中市神岡區溪頭路58巷25號
    4. 我的家餐廳

      Located in the heart of the commercial district of Fuxing North Rd and Minsheng East Rd, and only a one-minute walk from the Sherwood Hotel, this pub has managed to find that elusive quality that turns a bar into a real pub.My Other Place serves up great Asian and Western food such as fish chips, p...

      電話:02-27187826    地址:台北市松山區復興北路303號
    5. 溪頭夏緹飯店股份有限公司

      位於溪頭的夏緹飯店,群山環繞,景色醉人。建築外觀採用鋼骨制震建設,結合現代與自然風,為溪頭最高的建築物,有居高臨下、遠眺青山雲端的視覺享受。房間內設有景觀陽台,窗外望去,幅幅成畫, 引人入勝。 附近除了擁有不到3分...

      電話:049-2753333    地址:南投縣鹿谷鄉內湖村興產路24-18號

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